“The meaning of our company name:”



strong·​hold | \ ˈstrȯŋ-ˌhōld \

Definition of stronghold

1:a fortified place

2a: a place of security or survival
// one of the last strongholds of the ancient Gaelic language
— George Holmes

 a: a place dominated by a particular group or marked by a particular characteristic
// a Republican stronghold
// strongholds of snobbery
— Lionel Trilling


“reproduced from Merriam-Webster online dictionary”

“And by breaking the word STRONGHOLD into two separate words we still retain the essence of our company name! We specialise in fastening and anchoring! “



\ ˈstrȯŋ \

stronger\ ˈstrȯŋ-​gər also -​ər \; strongest\ ˈstrȯŋ-​gəst also -​əst \

Definition of strong (Entry 1 of 2)

1: having or marked by great physical power

2: having moral or intellectual power

3: having great resources (as of wealth or talent)

4: of a specified number
// an army ten thousand strong

5a: striking or superior of its kind
// a strong resemblance

 b: effective or efficient especially in a specified direction
// … strong on watching other people work …
— A. Alvarez

“reproduced from Merriam-Webster online dictionary”



\ ˈhōld \

held\ ˈheld \; holding

4a: to have or maintain in the grasp
// hold my hand
// this is how you hold the racket
also : AIM, POINT
// held a gun on them

 b: to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving
// hold me up so I can see
// hold the ladder steady
// a clamp holds the whole thing together
// hold your head up

 c: to bear the pressure of : SUPPORT
// can the roof hold all of that weight

“reproduced from Merriam-Webster online dictionary”

A young company with regional presence that specializes in premium construction products covering four main segments and their accessories: self-drilling roofing screws, chemical/adhesive anchors, mechanical/expansion anchors, drill-bits and bolts & nuts.

Today, STRONGHOLD products are used extensively in the region’s condominiums, bridges, industrial and infrastructure buildings.

We harness our expertise, energy and eagerness to deliver to you a fabulous customer experience 24/7!

Stronghold Asia - Thailand premier construction supplier and distributor